Frequently Asked Questions


Do all families have to pay their part of the tuition?

Families are responsible for their part of their tuition. CEO provides one-half of the annual tuition up to a maximum of $2,100 per academic year. Family contribution and participation ensures a strong commitment to the success of CEO Scholars.

Is there a list of schools we must choose from?

Families may choose any accredited private or parochial K-8 school in Connecticut. There is a partial list of schools which currently enroll CEO Scholars on this website. CEO is happy to help families determine if their school of choice is accredited and eligible to receive CEO Scholars.

What if my child would like to transfer to another private accredited school?

Families may transfer to another accredited private or parochial K-8 school in Connecticut. The CEO office must be notified if a transfer occurs once the student is accepted and enrolled.

What if my child is struggling academically?

CEO will continue to support children who are doing their best to engage in their education and are making academic progress.  If a child is expelled from school, they will not continue to be eligible for their CEO Scholarship.

What if my child needs to repeat a grade?

If a child needs time to meet the academic expectations for their grade level, CEO will continue to support the child between grades K-8.

It is hard to get into a private school.

Although CEO Scholars may score below grade level upon entering a private school, grade reports indicate that almost all CEO Scholars complete their grades above expected levels within their first year at their chosen private school. Most private schools are interested in helping students achieve their full potential as students and provide them the opportunity to complete their education in high school and college.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions about CEO's scholarship program?

You can contact Hannah DeBruler, program manager, at 475-450-5912 or